Household Defects and Deficiencies

After years of inspections and collecting data with other inspectors, clients and Realtors, we have accumulated a number of photos of atrocious household defects and deficiencies that we are going to share with you.

But we are not going to stop there, we want you to participate too.

Do you have any photos or video of some really interesting or common household defects or deficiencies from around your house and wouldn’t mind sharing with the rest of us? Perhaps you have a particular problem and need to ask for advice.

This page allows you to post your story/question and pictures (pictures always help). The post is open to comments so you can expect a reply from one or many of our other experienced users. Of course, you are also invited to comment on other if you feel qualified to make a constructive comment to help to

Your participation will create a better site for everyone’s benefit.

Please Note that this page is monitored by the administrators of this site. In order to maintain the quality of the information, we reserve the right to edit or delete inappropriate or inflammatory posts or comments.

Please Note that this page is monitored by the administrators of this site. In order to maintain the quality of the information, we reserve the right to edit or delete inappropriate or inflammatory posts or comments.

Here are some samples of deficiencies found during a home inspection.
